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St. Ives Coconut Water & Orchid Body Wash 650 ml

  • 720 650

Made In USA

Made In USA


Hydrate your skin and get glowing with St. Ives Coconut Water & Orchid Body Wash. Treat yourself with our silky body wash that will pamper and comfort your skin with a rich,
creamy lather. St Ives coconut extract comes from coconuts harvested from tall Caribbean palm trees. The coconut is cracked open and the milk is extracted from the coconut flesh by
a gentle water-soaking process. Complemented with orchid flower extracts, st Ives body wash will give you a refreshing shower experience to make up a perfect cleansing routine. Made with 100% naturally
sourced extracts, this body wash helps to hydrate and refresh so that you can indulge in the natural feeling of your oh-so-soft skin.

White Lewis

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White Lewis

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis aucibus orci luctustrices posuere cubilia Curae Sus pen disse viverra ed viverra. Mauris ullarper euismod vehicula.