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St. Ives Soft Skin Avocado & Honey Scrub, Tube, 170g

  • 480 420

Made In USA

Made In USA

DESCRIPTION 1. This delectable scrub smooths away dryness to reveal soft, even skin. 2. “Made with 100% natural exfoliants We love avocado and honey! The extract from buttery avocados is famous for its moisturizing properties and honey is known to nourish. 3. Tell me more! This scrub is oil free, paraben free, dermatologist tested, non-comedogenic (wont clog pores), and has a moderate exfoliation level. 4. Our avocados come from Kenya and Israel and our honey is sourced right here in the USA! 5. Always remember your hairline & sides of nose when using this facial scrub.

White Lewis

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White Lewis

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis aucibus orci luctustrices posuere cubilia Curae Sus pen disse viverra ed viverra. Mauris ullarper euismod vehicula.