Made In Germany
CAFFEINE SHAMPOO FOR STRONGER HAIR: Alpecin's C1 Caffeine Shampoo recharges your hair & promotes natural hair growth. Alpecin helps energize your hair and makes it feel fuller.
GERMAN ENGINEERING FOR YOUR HAIR: Alpecin C1 Caffeine Shampoo is a German caffeine shampoo for men. Carefully formulated, Alpecin C1 helps restore hair's quality, strength, & thickness, leaving your hair clean.
ENCOURAGE HAIR GROWTH:Some activities and supplements can cause weak hair, or thinning. Alpecin caffeine shampoo was designed to increase & restore energy to weakened hair, helping to promote thicker, fuller feeling hair.
FIGHT FOR YOUR HAIR: Energize your hair and scalp with caffeine shampoo. Caffeine promotes natural hair growth and helps your hair feel stronger, while energizing your scalp. Increase the quality, and strength of your hair with Alpecin hair care.
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