Made In Germany
Shampoo against dandruff and hereditary hair loss
Why the double effect?
Hair loss and dandruff, these are the two most frequent scalp problems to affect men.
As a hair care product specially for men, Dr. Wolff Research has developed the Alpecin Double-Effect Caffeine Shampoo that simultaneously counteracts both problems.
1st effect:
Tough on dandruff
In the first step, this Double-Effect Caffeine Shampoo loosens scaly, keratinous cells and thoroughly removes dandruff from the scalp. From a dermatological standpoint, the combination of the two effective anti-dandruff substances, salicylic acid and piroctone olamine, is an ideal complex because it takes into account all dermatologically relevant aspects of cosmetic dandruff:
Gentle dandruff removal
Anti-inflammatory effect
Antioxidant effect, i.e. improved resistance
Antimicrobial properties
Up to now, this combination was exclusively used in pharmacy products as a dermatologically based anti-dandruff solution. It results in precise and gentle micro-peeling (micro-exfoliation) and relieves itching scalps.
2nd effect:
Prevents hereditary hair loss
The removal of dandruff from the scalp prepares the way for the caffeine complex. Alpecin Double-Effect Caffeine Shampoo contains highly dosed caffeine that penetrates into the hair roots when the hair is washed. It can be detected just 120 seconds after application. In the hair root, the active ingredient forms a 24-hour depot, thereby protecting the hair root from premature inactivity and, as such, hereditary hair loss is prevented.
Information for competitive athletes
Alpecin Caffeine can be detected in the hair follicles.
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